
5 contaminated reservoirs
Years of dust…
The bouquet you brought…

Where are all your memories?
A drag…
something of his

Cold in the mountains
the equivalent of God
hiding in the trees

I blew it
Was it like a family…
You know how to swim?

Let’s take off together
when one day ends
Its fragrance is gone

Memorial services will be held
I found this by the window

because I had those beliefs,
suicide and despair“
Golden rayed

being contaminated,
Your wife had an abortion…
and they are once more under

just some clouds
With all that rain…
It’s kind of a waste,

I love flowers
just looking at the water
Still Photography

they call Silent Blue. . .
will offer silent prayers
“…is upon us to unite…”

First, the solitary bird
opened yourself, nobody has
the hospital records


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